Jump start your 2025 fitness journey without having to fight your body using clairsentience building rituals.

Give me my ticket!

Used to believe fitness & witchcraft had nothing to do with each other


As a competitive bodybuilder, ignoring my body was my number one task.


Pushing through the pain. Gritting my teeth through extreme hunger. Ignoring the anxiety that was always there.


Shutting it ALL down.


Any slip that caused a flood of emotions would send me swimming in food & health self sabotage.

Everything changed when I started to build my clairsentience: psychic feeling, & I understood what my body was trying to tell me

When you build your clairsentience: every emotion, craving, feeling, & pain becomes a clear message.


Your body no longer has to scream to be heard...


So reaching your health & fitness goals becomes an act of teamwork WITH your body


And the holidays actually become enjoyable again... instead of an anxiety & food filled minefield.

The Yule Fitness Witchcraft Challenge will help you jump start your 2025 fitness journey without fighting your body through clairsentience building rituals.

By the end of this challenge:

👉🏻You will have a greater understanding of your body's hunger signals & learn mindful eating practices

👉🏻Your understanding of your own clairsentience will deepen (ie you'll understand what your body is trying to tell you via intuitive messages)

👉🏻You will have navigated the holidays with less anxiety, overwhelm, & trauma responses than EVER before

👉🏻You'll set yourself up for a successful 2025 fitness journey with your body as your partner because you'll understand the messages its sending you

I'm in!


👉🏻Trusting your body & yourself to enjoy holiday treats mindfully

👉🏻Navigating the holidays with more ease & less anxiety or guilt than ever before

👉🏻Growing your psychic senses in a way that directly contributes to your mental & physical health goals 

👉🏻Entering 2025 as the kind of person who fully trusts your body & all of the messages it sends you instead of doubting it at every turn

The Yule Fitness Witchcraft Challenge:

➡️is a 2 week magical health program that runs from Thursday, December 19th to Thursday, January 2nd.

What's included:

👉🏻Daily movement rituals & embodiment practices

👉🏻Daily clairsentience building prompts

👉🏻Daily subconscious rewiring voice messages

👉🏻Exploring body signals, clairsentience, & magic & how to integrate them all into your health journey

👉🏻 Slack group for questions, accountability, & a community to share your ritual experiences

👉🏻BONUS: Scavenger Hunt with prizes valued at over $1000

👉🏻 The option to upgrade to a special VIP tier which integrates money mindset into the Fitness Witchcraft ritual

🎄🍪This is NOT a weight loss challenge. There is no meal plan or food list involved--you are encouraged to enjoy normal holiday foods & cookies. There is no gym plan or workouts. Your movement rituals will be short & low impact, involving energetics & intention setting. 🍪🎄

In this challenge we're breaking down the biggest barrier to your health goals:


Not being able to trust your own body's signals.


Whether it's hunger, a craving, or a distressing emotion, throughout our 14 days together you will be consistently challenged & shown how to interpret your body's messages: ie your clairsentience.  


How does this help you?

When you are able to interpret the messages your body is sending you: whether from cravings or distressing emotions, you won't just deepen your psychic senses, you'll be able to release emotional overeating & step out of health self sabotage. You won't have to fight to lose OR maintain weight

The Details:

  • The Yule Fitness Witchcraft Challenge is a 2 week virtual program that runs from Thursday, December 19th to Thursday, January 2nd
  • The Challenge will be run in a group with ritual directives delivered in small daily drops for you to listen to & implement at your own pace
  • Potent training on clairsentience & body communication for health
  • BONUS: Optional Scavenger Hunt with prizes 
  • Just $297


Gimme my ticket!

Frequently Asked Questions:


➡️Is this the exact same as last years Yule Challenge?

Nope! It's entirely new. New rituals. New curriculum. But if you liked last years... it's going to be even better.


➡️What are the dates for this challenge?

Thursday, December 19th to Thursday, January 2nd. Even if you're traveling or have events over the days of the challenge you will still be able to participate & catch up. These daily rituals are designed to be travel friendly.


➡️How much movement is required for this challenge?

Movement rituals will take less than 10 minutes/day & involve zero running or jumping. They are entirely modifiable if needed.


➡️Is this a weight loss challenge? Do I have to follow a nutrition plan?

No. While it's possible you might lose weight, the purpose of this challenge is not weight loss. This challenge will serve to help you build your clairsentience & communication with your body to support mindful eating & set you up for success with a fitness journey in 2025.


➡️Do I need to be a witch to join?

Nope! But the truth is you wouldn't even be looking at a website about fitness witchcraft if you weren't magical...

Your desire & your intuition led you here.

BUT even if you believe you're not magical enough... it will still work for you because this is magic that is proven & rooted in depth psychology... so it will still work for you.


➡️How much time will be required per day?

You can put as much time into this challenge... or as little... as you desire. 

Plan to set aside 20 minutes per day.

If you are the kind of person who views challenges like this as opportunities to tap into the collective energy of the group & you put a lot of energy & intention into this... you will find that your results will be proportional to the energy you give. 

If you are the kind of person who is incredibly busy & yet you still feel like joining this challenge will help some magical & intuitive health pieces click... then by all means join & learn what you need.

You are not required to do anything or participate... and if you fall behind you can just jump right back on at any time.